:( A Sad Truth ):

by: keith kimmel, author of Jeremy's Prophecy Dot Com

"As I wander this world of hope and fear I often come across raw evil. Rather than allow said evil to injure me I expel it through writing, not to injure you, but to return it from whence it came. Be warned what follows is not often pretty."

Saturday, November 22, 2003

These days most people are against something. Be it the war, the government, the man next door. Truth is, we should all be for something. For peace. For Justice. For Righteousness.

Avoid the folly that believes God can be bottled up and packaged. Packaged!

Lord knows the times are coming when all of this merchandising is going to be eliminated.

You know that, right?

- 11:01 AM
There once was a time when water was pure. Completely pure. Those days are gone. As I attempt to bathe, to rest my weary muscles, I smell clorine in the water. Perhaps the average bather does not notice the stench. Perhaps he/she doesn't mind. I do. I long for the water to be as pristine as the day it was made.
- 1:17 AM

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Oh how nobody wants to hear the truth. I strive for physical health at a local gym run by people determined to do the opposite. This group is a sad lot, torturously addicted to ripping muscles and drinking, quick-fix supplement shakes. One fellow, Nick, smiles with fear, is puffed up with awkward bulk, and has blemishes all about his pale skin. When he speaks he seems like he's crying. What a spiral he's on, desperate for an end, in a maze of physical emptiness.
- 10:38 AM

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

ELECTRONIC MEDIA NOISE, has turned upside down on itself. Talent, Intellegence, and Mastery have packed their bags. What we have is a desperate audience bored with anything except the most shocking, like girls in bikinis swimming in cow's blood (FEAR FACTOR, NBC last night). This quick fix, entertainment in a pill, is bound to self-implode leaving a mindless, richless society. The Humanities is essential. All of this electrical energy pumping nonsenscial, souless, spiritless, GRAY, will hurt your chance at living a healthy life. I promise you. Watching Fear Factor followed by Joe Millionaire is exactly like eating a couple of Bic Mac's and then swimming in Hudson river.
- 6:58 PM

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

My neighbor is retarded. Actually she is probably very smart, but she acts stupid. Actual retarded people are excellent people, most of the time. People who are smart but look at you as though they are retarded are rather unworthy. I try to love my neighbor as myself, but she is beyond reaching. She is a brick wall, a stone cold product of the feminist movement gone south.

Her large dog attacked my small dog yesterday and I had to stop it. When I looked at her for a reponse her coutenance was blank and she had a lot of saliva on her teeth and lips. She just can't be reached. And I am grateful I to learn patience and tolerence by her being around.

Sadly I must dwell like this for now. This society with its houses all cramped together, it wears on us all. We each deserve a dwelling to call our own. But, as a result of some greedy cop somewhere, who thinks that when he dies he won't have somebody to answer to, we all live in boxes on a bunny hill.

- 1:46 PM

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Never in your wildest dreams did you consider that the Living God wanted to help you. You thought you could just skate through life with your back ass philosophy. Imagine a boat lost at sea. I tell you the truth you are worse than that boat.
Fuck you
Fuck your fuckin’ opinion. Your path has led you here. Why? Why has it? Why? Why has it? Why? Why? WHWHwhwhwhwWHY? I’ll tell you why because this is your last chance to Wake up.
Excessive alcohol destroys. Why must you keep conning yourself otherwise. Is it worth the death? Consider this fact: If you continue to use alcohol as a fuel (like some sort of automobile) you will die. But worst of all you will remember on your death bed reading this very warning. Worst than that you will agonize in the blackest torture realizing your folly.
Don't think the boss doesn't know. The boss knows how much you want what he sells. He feels your need and feeds on it like a snake does a mouse and you, innocent one, spend your soul or your father's soul on JUNK. What good are the goods you buy!
You are like a dog with no leash. A bird with no feathers. A horse with no hooves. What ever I say you refute. What is so special about this world that makes you consider your philosophy anything more than mindless chatter. Do you know where your breath comes from? Do you know where your hunger resides. What a funny accident it was that you are here reading this? My fingers are Gods. I am not here. And still you reject me. You've got your Music and Television to calm you down. Go fuck somebody up the ass.

- 6:27 PM