follows is a
lost rant written by jeremy concerning the must say {hello.htm}
here's the code hello means hell "0" or hell zero
when you share SHARE
a little bit of hell goes bye bye
shining raibow
shining vision of solitude and comfort
as the corporate dependency comes falling down like a slurpee deluge or a walmart kernal ...
and who cares when alls that is true is vision of heaven the real heaven the real, AMEN
but alas, we of the human variety ...
all tripped up and tobogganed have no solution but to bellow and remonstrate
love seems so YOUNG
love seems for the VAIN
for the Youths folly
comes LOVE's pleasant aroma
only young bones can muster
as i've lost interest in the mammory
she's a tainted milk
yes indeed all of it drunk
i get grumpy and my fingernails grow dark like a witch's
i visit hell
but only for an instant
wiped out and broken
and i still human
still a firery prophet
lament somewhere on this broken glass sea shore
recycled and babled
all in all
with nothing to show for it
but my vision of home
as i go (PRASIE HIM) to the wedding supper
a weak tormented .. pitiful bride.
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must say #2