what follows is a lost rant written by jeremy concerning the must say {silver.htm}
Silver then would symbolize CASH-- slang expression for currency. Silver, disrespected, under appreciated, over-shadowed by its gaudier Golden
sister has been delegated to a more rural lifestyle. He's the meat and potatoes of the precious variety of metals, the stuff that ultimately
earns a living.
Writing then, in the case of the author of the "Must Say" previously provided would be symbolic for and/or represent work. Otherwise
described as livelihood or labor or living. Would it then be safe in saying that one works to live--to earn a living--to earn a life.
It's life one works for not silver.
What of currency then? What of finance and economy and credit and interest and securities and stocks and money markets and bulls and bears and the bottom line? Well, indeed the bills have caused quite a riff amongst our people. What with the web of worry woven wildly about the coin it is no wonder we waste about with it. To this only some soothing sentences could assuage a sincere sufferer. Be gentle and brave kind soldiers. Strive to save not your coinage. Strive to save your life.
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