Wednesday, January 30, 2002
“Certainly,” Jamie said. “You could look at it that way.”
“I mean it only makes sense; doesn’t it?” Davis said.
“How so?”
“Well, most people are quite stuck believing they are who they’re not.”
“Hmmm.” Jamie chipped a bit of paint from the bench with a fingernail.
“Like . . . like, this web designer—for instance. I know a web designer who believes that’s what he is! I mean I can name 1000 things he might be besides a web designer—”
“What’s a web designer?”
“That’s just it. What's a web designer?”
- kimmel
5:30 PM
Monday, January 28, 2002
Today some Leprechaun from Kentucky reviewed this blog. As I expected, the reviewer was a typical “dime a dozen” web designer, responsible for a hodgepodge of half-rate mom and pop web-pages, with more time on his hands than a Mickey Mouse watch collector.
Unfamiliar with above average English vocabulary, and incapable of philosophical conceptions beyond strategic computer gaming, this Frosted Lucky Charm from Tennessee critiqued our web journal with haste instead of admitting he was not intelligent enough for the task. The result is a skewed, misunderstood blurb.
I will admit that efforts with this blog have been less than acutely clear. I ask: must everything be fed to people of today with a fat soupspoon? Again I am confronted with, what has become, an irritating quandary. Should I spell-out exactly what this web journal means? Or, should I hold out, allowing the cultured few a safe haven to bathe within the ether? True, the customer is always right—in restaurants and retail. However, in my occupation, the golden-hearted champion is always write. So critics arm your swords with what valor you embrace for my shield welcomes the simplest of crucifiers.
And as for our bronzed-toothed friend from West Virginia, I say, stick to bluegrass and Dungeons and Dragons ‘cause reality may just be like that needle you always wished you could stick in your sister’s eye.
PS I do not own, nor do I use, a Thesaurus.
- kimmel
5:18 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2002
So Paul Simon wrote:
"you want to be a writer? you don't know how or when?
find a quiet place; use a humble pen"
Thing is I use a keyboard. Should I switch; should I switch to a pen?
- kimmel
3:20 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2002
I suppose, with blogging, unless one is documenting the latest in gaming, revealing dhtml code variations, or fabricating some love affair; your posts will be misunderstood.
- kimmel
4:05 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
"Sir, I’ve worked my diligent mind at Waynut for over four years, offering the utmost in clarifying and lucid genetic philosophy; fostering to my peers cognitive solutions to various quandaries most allusive to the brightest of DNA theorists; developing strategic alliances with atomic precision in order to conjure the most applicable resonance necessary for the merging of ancient scientific methods into the new, holographic modalities," Davis said.
- kimmel
7:25 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
This is a scratch pad, this blog I mean. In that way, it's a window. I rarely edit these posts.
- kimmel
12:29 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2002
The "be-a-character in my next novel" contest is almost over. Now's your last chance to enter. E-mail me @ and you can star, as a supporting character, in my next novel, scheduled to have a first run printing of 50 thousand copies.
- kimmel
8:42 PM
Friday, January 18, 2002
Davis' was an elaborate scheme—meticulously coordinated, conjured with grandiose precision whose finale included, among other conquests, the usurpation of Waynut’s chemical plant.
Don't you just want to know more . . . . . . . ?
- kimmel
5:16 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2002
Being saddled in my writer’s chair (note: I do not have a specific chair I write in, I use this term for descriptive purposes only) most of the day composing Dead in the Bathtub Water, I’ve been away from the drama of television media. To be more specific, I really don’t know, nor do I care to know what Enron is. In fact, only yesterday did I hear the word and since then I have made a conscious decision to not participate in this small chapter of the media’s endless “Finnegan’s Wake”. No longer will I choose to be a part of this revolving circus: for as I watch so as I am.
- kimmel
8:44 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2002
I fear that a sparkle of wild energy is here to bother my soul with constipation and sad ape like features.
- kimmel
6:51 PM
Monday, January 14, 2002
To preface this post, I’d like to point interested readers to November 27th’s post for lucid clarification.
Fans, after little over a month, I can report that Dead in Bathtub Water is well on its way. If this novel were a pregnancy, I would say that we are still in the first trimester; but its sex has been established, as have many of its genetic features. Its actual title is, notwithstanding, being kept secret—mostly for security reasons. The “be-a-character” contest is still running. Shockingly, not one of you has capitalized on this exciting offer.
In any event, as I delve further into the caverns of creation my desire to reveal this story’s tantalizing plot has waned. Mostly, I do not want to ruin it for you. Even more so, the energy that I’ve stumbled upon is momentous, meant to be relished within the confines of a completed piece—a piece whose ultimate culmination remains elusive even to me, hidden in the illogical hands of the muse’s muse.
I will say this. If you are the type who enjoys puzzles—fitting pieces together and such, then pay special attention to Davis throughout this blog. For as the protagonist, Davis’ cameos are of crucial importance. And, truth be told, I’d love nothing more than to walk with you through this labyrinth of potential form so you, as I, can bask in the fulfillment of its ultimate material manifestation.
Stay tuned . . .
- kimmel
5:08 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2002
I've run . . .
- kimmel
4:21 PM
Friday, January 11, 2002
. . . out of material.
- kimmel
5:50 PM
Wednesday, January 09, 2002

image borrowed from front page of Rocky Mountain News, January 9, 2002.
Adolf Bush. . . ?
- kimmel
5:06 PM
Tuesday, January 08, 2002
J.R.R. Tolkien, author of the Trilogy, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, (whose recent popular movie adaptation I've yet to see) said, "It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till."
From my melodic perspective I long for the word "sow" to finish this quote, rather than its chosen finis', "till".
My critique may stem from a certain tangy bitterness that brews upon my calloused tongue for individuals who seem compelled to embellish their name with curious letter formations and abbreviations.
- kimmel
5:21 PM
Sunday, January 06, 2002
Davis' mother never understood Davis' fascination with burning lizards or why he often stayed in his bedroom for hours at a time.
- kimmel
5:27 PM
Saturday, January 05, 2002
"I met a great man, today," said Davis.
- kimmel
7:05 PM
Friday, January 04, 2002
I had a fine conversation concerning writting modern literature as a means of sustenance. The topic of idealism arose. After little fanfare we agreed to disagree as to whether or not an artist should compromise his beliefs in order to sustain himself.
Sadly, my humor finds little solace in an industry of souless worshipers, incapable of creativity (in a writing sense), looking for things to critique like how many adjectives one writes in the first paragraph.
- kimmel
11:40 AM
Thursday, January 03, 2002
Alone, we sit, park bench apart. Constrained,
judging you judging me.
- kimmel
3:37 PM
Wednesday, January 02, 2002
The difference between a true genius and a talented person is that the former seems gifted in the art of business.
- kimmel
8:03 PM