Monday, July 22, 2002
As for this blog, well, I intend to shift it about so you, the fans, can follow the creation of this new work. Things will be clearer soon. Real soon. So bare with me and shoot me an e-mail if you like--something with sweet thoughts or gentle hearts--you know like I've been separated from my girlfriend for almost a month now. Sometimes being a soldier get's kinda of rough... But I'm here for you. I'm here for your grandchildren.
- kimmel
8:21 PM
Dancing in the shower will be about a guy, Davis Rutherford III, who likes to dance. The problem is he dances at all the wrong times, in all the wrong places. He doesn't understand why people look at him so strangely when he dances. As dancing goes he's not half bad.
- kimmel
8:11 PM
So this novel is going under a complete overhaul. I feel as if I traveled down the wrong path. Tempted, as an artist, to create an intellectual masterpiece, I failed.
As such, I now will collect the remains and rebuild. Start anew.
- kimmel
7:57 PM
Friday, July 19, 2002
Fans the new title of the novel originally called Dead in the Bathtub Water is now called Dancing in the Shower.
How this transition manifested is a story which I will share in my next post.
Until then . . .
- kimmel
3:35 PM
Wednesday, July 17, 2002

"If we are selling food that causes disease may lightning strike this very spot!"
Don't believe me just read this.
photo courtesy of me ;)
- kimmel
12:53 AM
What's the happiest word in the world? Is it happy? Is it love? Is it smile? I don't know. What do you think?
- kimmel
12:19 AM
Monday, July 15, 2002
People of the world, do me a favor. Look at the $100 dollar bill for a second. Look at it--the new one--the modern one. Peruse Mr. Franklin’s face. I ask. Is he smiling? Is he?
He's tired, he's worn, he's disgusted.
- kimmel
9:52 PM
So man you should have been there. I sold like seventeen books.
"It was awesome."
- kimmel
12:53 AM
Sunday, July 14, 2002
Okay, so. Sometimes artists, even deep, sophisticated, nut-jobs, like me have to come down and meet the clan. You know, if just for experiences sake. Therefore, I want it to be known that, although it may seem that I have tapped into the key to the universe (which, in fact, I have) I also, at times, consider traditional human fun to be quite appropriate and even necessary. In fact, just yesterday, I took a shit on the city sidewalk. What Fun!
Seriously, I mean, well, anyway, what I am saying is, that today is Sunday, the day of rest. Therefore I’ve taken off my slippers and stuck in my pipe. It’s time to rock n’ roll?
Locals you can catch me on Haight and Ashbury singing my tunes and peddling my books.
- kimmel
2:26 PM
Saturday, July 13, 2002
"The moon I tell you. The moon!"
"Shut the fuck up, Davis." Crystal (crystal? yes, crystal) said.
If ever a time came in life where one where to act rather than REACt that time is now. NOW.
Know, now. PLease. please. please.
- kimmel
8:46 PM

- kimmel
8:43 PM
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
Kind friends. I'm settling here in the city.
Dead in the Bathtub Water {temporary title} (scheduled for a first run printing of 76,000 copies) is currently, well, Dead in the Bathtub Water. That is, instead my time is being spent promoting my work. This is a quandary. How to finish this book? Yeah, sure one hour a day. Blah Blah. How 'bout PEOPLE OF THE WORLD SUPPORT THE ARTS.
All day long you read blogs and you pay for none of it. You here music from a musician on the street. . . How 'bout giving him/her a dollar. How 'bout it?
Oh yeah . . . You do support the arts. You buy CDs and books from the store. Well consider the crap behind those businesses. Consider the nonsense most Artists must endure to get their God Given Talents rewarded by the unappreciative peoples of the world.
Without Art your life is empty, your Unfulfilled, your Dead; your Dead in the Bathtub Water. Just remember that you banker you CANDLE stick MAker, you. :)
- kimmel
10:26 PM
The fog. The sweet fog. Praise his calming secret.
- kimmel
10:17 PM
Sunday, July 07, 2002
California is big. What is it—of this sun, here, which inspires the crops so?
- kimmel
1:05 AM
Friday, July 05, 2002
There is information about information. INFORMATION. InforMAtion.
- kimmel
8:55 PM
Thursday, July 04, 2002
So I've set up shop in a city. A city is where I must be to infiltrate the world with the light that is Dead in the Bathtub Water;
and may Freedom be During this INDEPENDANT day.......
- kimmel
1:09 AM
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
Participate ?
- kimmel
1:46 AM